Recognize that you were made for greatness and it doesn’t look like anyone else’s.
Radiating with optimism, positivity, and a cheerful energy, Darby Miller is an exceptional stand out leader among her peers at The University of Georgia. Darby’s ambitious drive allows her to continually succeed in new experiences, because she forces herself out of her comfort zone, proving she is not worried of any challenge. Her contagious spirit, infectious charisma, and encouraging attitude is why Darby Miller is our #WCW.
1. What's your story? What makes you unique?
I am currently a senior at The University of Georgia studying Digital Marketing. I am from Rogers, A.R. and love corgis, burritos, sports and sharing meals!!! I think/hope my spirit for life makes me unique or at least standout. I think it is important to make everybody feel like a somebody!
2. What motivates you?
“You can’t help but love someone once you know their story.” This quote is my biggest motivation to continue to meet new people and love them for their story. You can learn something new from every person you meet...take advantage of that! I want to continue to learn from the people around me….wherever that may be. Make sure you ask the hard questions and love hard…that motivates me!
3. Who is a hero of yours?
My peers are my heroes. Everyone around me challenges and encourages me to be a better version of myself. I love seeing others tap into their passions and run with it. I don’t think we should strive to have the same paths as our heroes. I believe we should create our how paths and use their spirit/joy/attitude/etc, as motivation to dig down deep. I am lucky to have surrounded myself with people who constantly inspire me.
4. Give us a road map of your career. How did you get to where you are today?
Even though I am currently #unemployed as I finish up my senior year, I am excited for the future. My goal is to continue to learn from my experiences. I think the most important thing is to recognize that each opportunity is a chance to grow and learn. I’ve learned so much about what I want to do in the future through my campus involvement. This past summer I spent 10 weeks in New York City interning with ESPN’s Sales and Marketing Department. I fell in love with sports and media, so I hope to continue in this industry.
5. What's your future plan? Your goals?
I am currently searching for a position in marketing/advertising with companies based in Denver, Austin, and Nashville. I learned so much about myself after spending a summer in New York City. I want to find a company with the right mix of company culture and spirit of development. My overall goal is just to maintain my joy for life and bring that wherever life takes me!
6. If you could give one piece of advice, what would it be?
“Comparison is the thief of joy.” Too much, we get lost in what others are doing and what others will think. As we enter any season of life, it is important to recognize who you are and what your gifts are. Sometimes we forget that we as humans have been given unique purposes. My best piece of advice is to recognize that you were made for greatness and it doesn’t look like anyone else’s.
7. What is something you feel strongly about (a cause, belief, etc.)?
I feel strongly about advocacy in general. There is power in speaking out for causes, especially causes that don’t directly affect you. There is power in speaking out for what is right. Whatever your passion is or whatever your heart says, don’t be afraid to let it be known to others!
8. What's one of the coolest things you've ever done?
Scuba diving The Great Barrier Reef this past Christmas break with UGA’s Discover Abroad Program! Sea turtles are the dogs of the sea!
9. Anything we haven't asked that you'd like to talk about.
My favorite quote comes from my favorite book, “The Happiness Project”. The author says, “The days are long, but the years are short.” This quote reminds me daily to spend out each day and take the long days with optimism. I highly recommend this book too!!
If you would like to reach out to Darby Miller for mentoring/networking opportunities, you can reach her HERE.