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TGIM Interview with Amir Ismail, Bank of America

On this week's latest episode of TGIM, The Dean's List welcomes Amir Ismail  to the virtual stage. 

This week began with a new episode of #TGIM with @adventureswithamir, VP Senior Financial Analyst at @bankofamericaand CEO/Founder of @aicmindset! ⁣

At Bank of America, Amir works on an enterprise-wide role to automate, optimize, and streamline how the bank conducts finance.

Additionally, as CEO/Founder of his career coaching, professional branding, and job search optimization company, AIC Mindset, he is extremely passionate about leadership, diversity, and inclusion and motivating the next generation of future leaders.

Not only does Amir speak three languages and has traveled to 19 countries and 22 U.S State, but this Charlotte resident also serves on the @alpfacharlotte professional board as VP of Operations. ⁣

Amir speaks about how he believes that everyone has a unique story to tell. Implementing the right job search strategy and creating a compelling narrative is critical for professional success and job transitions.⁣

As Amir shares his story and advice, we ask him despite all of his struggles to get to where he is now, "how do you keep this positive mindset you speak about?"

He responds, "I know where I have been, so I know where I am going. Your past does not dictate your future. It is a matter of determination, grit, and sacrifice, and always believing in yourself."

Amir further provided key insights and takeaways during this episode and left viewers feeling inspired. 

Our takeaways from Amir:

1. Mindset determines success. Nothing is unattainable without your own permission.

2. The career journey is a long-term journey. It starts with now.

3. Your past does not dictate your future and where you come from does not determine where you will end up.

Connect with Amir and follow his journey on Instagram @adventureswithamir and @aicmindset.

Thank you, Amir Ismail, for another empowering week of TGIM! See you next week at 6:00 pm.


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